In 2019, nearly 900,000 people were injured on the job in some way.
Work injuries are injuries, illnesses, or accidents that happen when working or related to your work. They can cost people and companies pockets of money. But you should know what the most common work injuries are so you can avoid them and the headaches that come with them.
Depending on what type of work you do, injuries may vary in severity and type. Even though companies put strict safety precautions in place for injury prevention, work injuries still happen. Here are seven of the most common workplace injuries.
1. Slip and Falls
Slips and falls are one of the most common injuries to occur on the job. Everything from slipping on a wet floor to dropped objects can cause injuries like broken bones, sprains, and so forth.
Placing a wet floor sign above the spill or liquid can prevent injuries and liabilities as well. Without proper sign placement, the company or employee is liable for any injuries that occur.
2. Falling Objects
Working anywhere with storage is risky because most employees need to stock items on high shelves or remove them from high places. This opens employees up to the risk of injury by falling objects.
Warehouses are especially susceptible to falling objects because they house an endless supply of products. Helping and training employees how to handle objects that are on high shelving reduces the risk of injury.
3. Exhaustion and Overexertion
Working is exhausting, but it’s a problem when you become overexerted. While not necessarily an injury, exhaustion is more of a mental state caused by overworking or other physical setbacks.
Employees who suffer exhaustion cannot perform well and may put themselves and others in danger, causing fatigue-related injuries, especially when operating heavy machinery. To avoid employee fatigue and keep everyone productive, remind your employees to take breaks.
Overexertion is when an employee strains too hard on the muscles causing them to be torn or pulled. This can be anywhere in the body, ligaments, tendons, and so forth, so employees need to understand how to move heavier things properly.
4. Cuts
Using sharp objects at work is sometimes a necessity to open boxes or using them as tools. When someone does not use a sharp object safely, an accident can result in a deep cut. Deep cuts can have lasting effects such as continued bleeding, internal bleeding, and infections.
Ensure that your employees have been trained and wear protective gear while using sharp objects or tools.
5. Fighting
For the most part, people get along well at work, with some normal employee tifts here and there. However, sometimes relationships become toxic, and people are temperamental, which leads to violence such as fighting. While workplace violence can occur among employees, it’s also common between employees and clients or customers.
With the threat of violence rising in the workplace as people return to work after remote work due to COVID, employees need to be trained to handle violent outbursts or unstable people.
6. Struck by Objects
Whether it’s idle objects or mobile ones, being struck by any type of work-related object is considered a work injury. This may include falling objects or an employee absentmindedly knocking themselves into a counter, chair, or another object that doesn’t belong where it should.
Most of these injuries can be avoided by helping employees stay diligent in putting objects where they belong or securing them in high places, so they don’t fall.
7. Electrocution
Electrocution is more likely to happen with employees who have regular contact with live power lines. While all employees have robust training on electrocution safety, accidents do happen.
However, every field should know the right way to handle electric machines the right way so no electrocution can occur. Each instance will be different, so understanding the machines as best as possible is the best way to ensure safe handling.
8. Vehicle Accidents
From forklifts to trucks to other heavy machinery, vehicle accidents are a common occurrence on the job. Crashes result from faulty driving, weather, or even problems with the machinery itself. Unfortunately, people are also causes of accidents and may result in death.
Safety precautions are an absolute necessity for employees, from wearing proper protective gear like seatbelts or helmets to checking to see if the vehicle works normally before using.
9. Loud Noises
Believe it or not, loud noises may be considered a workplace injury, especially in jobs where workers are exposed to loud noises for a prolonged time. While technology has improved gear like ear protection that helps tone down the noise in loud workplaces, deafness or loss of hearing is still possible.
Companies must provide the best up-to-date technology to preserve their employees hearing, or the effects may be lasting and devastating for them. Not to mention the company is liable as well.
10. Falling from Heights
Not many workers are exposed to heights, but there’s a potential to fall from heights when they are. While employees need to understand their risk when dealing in high places, accidents happen and may result in broken bones, falling on and injuring someone else, or worse.
Be sure to inform and instruct employees on how to handle heights correctly to save lives.
Do You Need A Lawyer for Work Injuries?
Work injuries are not welcome, and with training, teaching, and technique, most can be prevented. On the chance that you or an employee have suffered a work injury, drastic measures need to be taken to protect everyone involved.
Have you suffered a work injury and need an injury attorney to speak on your behalf? Our lawyers can help! Contact us today to see if you’re eligible for compensation.