workers compensation claim

Help! My Workers’ Compensation Claim Has Been Denied! Now What?

While only a mere 2% of workers compensation claims are ever found to be fraudulent, you might think the percentage was closer to 92% due to the way that some insurance companies often respond to claims.Insurance companies want to thoroughly investigate every claim, making it seem like every claim might be suspect, every worker intoxicated, and every employer negligent. Don’t let these hurdles to

Workers Comp Attorney

Why You Should Always Hire A Workers’ Comp Attorney

Why You Should Always Hire A Workers’ Comp Attorney 4,836 workers died as a result of work-related injuries in 2015. In 2016, 892,270 employees were injured on the job in the private sector. However, the actual number of injuries may be around 7.4 to 11.1 million in all sectors. Most injuries go unreported.

Changes to the Workers’ Compensation Act

Every year, the Georgia State Legislature in cooperation with the Chairman of the State Board of Workers’ Compensation passes legislation that in some way affects the Workers’ Compensation Act.  Generally, once the legislation is passed and signed by the Governor, the new laws go into effect July 1st of that